NWFFD 2023 Graphics
The new National Wildland Firefighter Day postcard (front and back) and full page advertisement are available to download and share.
Activity Book
Check out the Junior Wildland Firefighter Activity Book. Print it out and take part in the fire prevention activities! When the activity booklet is completed, send us an email and we'll mail your child a National Wildland Firefighter Day sticker.
National Wildland Firefighter Day Toolkit
NWFFD Toolkit PowerPoint has campaign instructions, ready-made and customizable graphics for social media, and downloadable virtual meeting backgrounds. Check it out.
Access and download graphics from 2022
National Calendar Day highlights National Wildland Firefighter Day
Visit our National Wildland Firefighter Day album on Flickr
History of Wildland Firefighting by Lincoln Bramwell
National Wildland Firefighter Day Toolkit
NWFFD Toolkit PowerPoint has campaign instructions, ready-made and customizable graphics for social media, and downloadable virtual meeting backgrounds. Check it out.
Statement from President Joe Biden on National Wildland Firefighter Day
Access and download graphics from 2022
National Calendar Day highlights National Wildland Firefighter Day
Visit our National Wildland Firefighter Day album on Flickr
History of Wildland Firefighting by Lincoln Bramwell
Ready-to-post social media graphics and sample posts
- Download and share today! Be sure to tag our NIFC partners on social media.