Welcome to the Human Resources website. Here you will find information on Benefits, Employee Relations, Staffing, Training, Retirement, Personnel Security and other HR programs, as well as a HR contact list.
You are also welcome to stop by our office. We are located on the NIFC campus, in the Owyhee Building (Bldg 106), Suite 1700. Our office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Our HR office provides service to NIFC BLM, NIFC NPS, NIFC BIA and NIFC FWS employees.
Physical Address:
Human Resources
2350 W Robinson Rd (Bldg 106)
Boise, ID 83705
Mailing Address:
Human Resources
3833 S Development Ave (MS1700)
Boise, ID 83705
Explore Links Per Section
- BLM1400-71, Personal Emergency Information Form.pdf
- Concur User Profile and FBMS Vendor Master Setup Form
- DI-3100, Employee Performance Appraisal Plan.docx
- DI-3100S, Supervisory Employee Performance Appraisal Plan.docx
- DI-451 Award Form
- DOI CONUS Employment Agreement.pdf
- DOI OCONUS Employment Agreement.pdf
- HR_Forms - DOI Transfer Employees.docx HR_Forms
- HR_Forms - Transfer Employees (outside DOI).docx
- HR_Forms - Transfer Employees (within BLM).docx
- Motor Vehicle Operators Authorization.pdf
- NIFC Security Guidelines.pdf
- OF-178 Certificate of Medical Examination
- OF-306, Declaration of Federal Employment.pdf
- P-02, Position Management Committee Request (BLM).pdf
- P-02c, Position Management Request (BIA, FWS).pdf
- P-02d, Position Management Request (NPS).pdf
- P-09, Conditions of Employment (WAE).pdf
- P-10, Employee Conduct and Responsibility.pdf
- P-12, Special Conditions of Temporary Appointments.pdf
- P-21A, Retirement Estimate Information.pdf
- P-77, Request for Official Correspondence, Net Check, Residence Info.pdf
- P-91, Request for Access or Records Contained in a Privacy Act System of Records.pdf
- PM-03, Unemployment Compensation Memo.pdf
- SF-1152 Designation of Beneficiary (Unpaid Comp)
- SF-144 Statement of Prior Federal Service
- SF-181 Ethnicity and Race Identification
- SF-256 Self-Identification of Disability
- SF-2809 Health Benefits Election
- SF-2817 Life Insurance Election