
NIFC External Affairs Contacts

How to reach NIFC External Affairs

The NIFC External Affairs staff is available during normal business hours at 208-387-5050. This number reaches BIA, BLM, FWS, NPS, and USFS employees. If you need to reach staff after normal business hours, you can leave a message at that same number, as a staff member regularly checks for messages on weekends and non-business hours.

BIA – Lessa Peter
BLM – Samantha Storms, Marshall ThompsonSheri Ascherfeld, Carrie Bilbao, Rebecca Paterson, Piper Brandt, Andi Good
FWS – Kari Cobb
NPS – Tina Boehle, Candice Stevenson, Caron McKee
USFS – Stanton Florea, Brian Reublinger

Contribute Your Material

Submit material to be added to the PIO BB or send us your  suggestions for products and materials by emailing NIFC External Affairs