Wildfire Prevention Videos

Fire prevention videos

The videos listed on this page are designed to inform and educate the viewer on ways to prevent wildland fires and how to mitigate the impacts of wildfires on homeowners and communities who live near and recreate on our public lands.

Harden Your Home

Consider making your property more resistant to wildfire. This video covers ways to reduce flammable material around homes and communities before a fire occurs to keep your property and firefighters safe.

BLM Fire Prevention

On America’s rangelands, one less spark really can mean one less wildfire. The Bureau of Land Management and its wildland fire partners need your help to prevent wildfires this summer. The public plays a valuable role in preventing wildfires. The national average of human-caused wildfires comprises 85% of all wildfire occurrences every year. Most of these fires can be prevented. This video provides prevention tips for common rangeland wildfire causes including safe target shooting; proper debris burning; how to use cutting equipment safely; how to prevention fires started by vehicles and trailers; and fireworks safety.

BLM Community Assistance Program

Wildfires have always been a part of life in the west and always will be.  It is easy to think there is not much we can do about it, however preparation is what matters most. The Bureau of Land Management and other agencies have developed the Community Assistance Program designed to help communities better prepare for wildfires through wildfire education, mitigation, prevention, and cooperator assistance.

#ReadyForWildfire: Wildfire Preparedness and Prevention album on NIFC Flickr (22 videos)

The first full week in May kicks off Wildfire Preparedness Week nationally. The Bureau of Land Management and its wildland fire partners share prevention messaging through the entire month of May to help educate the public and partners as fire activity increases. Videos in this collection include fire prevention, preparing for wildfires, Firewise landscaping, and rangeland fire facts.