Crew Values
Pride - In the job, Crew, Agency, Self, Family.
Respect - For supervisors, Subordinates, Peers, Self, Employees outside of the crew.
Organized - Personally, and familiar with all elements of the crew.
Flexible - Willingness and ability to adapt to changing situations.
Efficient - Effectively accomplish the job with the right amount of funds and work effort.
Sound - In judgment, tactics, ethics, and training.
Skilled - Well-rounded in all aspects of the job.
Integrity - For the Job, Crew, Agency, Self, and Ethics.
Open - To new ideas, Techniques, and people of different backgrounds.
Nurturing - Dedicated to training and development of all personnel.
Ambitious - Willingness trying new things without fear of failure.
Loyalty - To the job, Crew, Agency, Self, and Family.
The Vale Interagency Hotshot crew is a fire suppression crews that can be dispatched nationally and internationally to fires and other disasters. When not assigned to an incident Hotshot crews train and provide a workforce to accomplish management objectives while maintaining availability for incident mobilization. Our Hotshot crew consist of 20-25 diverse, motivated, intelligent, and physically fit individuals. We travel as a crew from early May through October to assist wildland fire suppression efforts. Because of this crewmebers work, eat, and sleep together and must work as a team to be able to adapt to an ever changing environment. The Crews season runs form the beginning of May through the first of October, but can be extended depending on the severity of the fire season. Individuals can expect to spend most of these months away from home, and sometimes out of communication with family and friends. We can be gone up to 21 days at a time with 2 days off. Shifts normally last up to 16 hours, but can be extended due to critical fire operations. All crew personel carry packs weighing up to 45 pounds, and hike in rough steep terrain for several miles to reach our job site. The Vale Hotshots firmly believe physical conditioning, training and good comunication by all is directly related to safety on the fire line, and our physical training program is demanding
The Vale District is host for the Vale IHC located in the city or Vale in Eastern Oregon. Located in south east Oregon 75 miles west of Boise Idaho.
Physical Training
Due to the arduous duties of the job a medical examination is required prior to employment. All Firefighter positions require an aerobic fitness test called the Work Capacity Fitness Test (a three-mile hike with 45 lb. in 45 minutes or less). In addition to the Pack Test, Vale Hotshot Crew personnel will strive to meet the following goals found in "Fit to Work" a publication from the Missoula Technology Development Center:
It is important for applicants to understand that a high level of physical fitness is required before reporting to work. Our PT program is intended to enhance and maintain crewmember’s physical fitness, not get them into shape. All crew members are required to participate in a structured Physical Fitness training program daily that will include flexibility exercises, aerobic conditioning, and weight training, when not involved in fire suppression activities. Crew members are expected to report to work in good physical condition.
1.5 MILE RUN | - 9:16 | - 8:06 |
SIT-UPS | - 90 | - 161 |
PUSH-UPS | - 68 | - 120 |
CHIN-UPS | - 11 | - 21 |
1.5 MILE RUN | - 9:19 | - 8:21 |
SIT-UPS | - 89 | - 315 |
PUSH-UPS | - 64 | - 119 |
CHIN-UPS | - 11 | - 24 |
Crew History
The Vale Hotshot Crew was established in 1997 and is located at the BLM Vale District office in Vale Oregon. The Crew was started to help fulfill the BLM’s commitment to provide national fire suppression resources. The crew has been on assignments throughout the western states, as well as South Dakota, Minnesota, Florida, Alaska and Internationally to Alberta, and Canada.
Overhead History
1997 – 2002 Rick Roach
2003 – 2018 Bart Yeager
2019 - Present Glenn Heitz
Assistant Superintendent
2001 Vacant
2002 Bart Yeager
2003 Vacant
2004 – 2008 Scott English
2009 – 2011 Pete Hearn & Glenn Heitz
2012 Glenn Heitz
2012 - 2018 Glenn Heitz & Casey Eager
2019 – Present Casey Eager
2020 - Present Jerry Castro
Recruitment and Hiring
Crew Contact
Superintendent | Assistant Superintendent | Assistant Superintendent |
Glenn Heitz |
Casey Eager |
Jerry Castro |