Other News Releases
For Release: June 28, 2023
Contact: Jennifer Myslivy, Public Affairs Specialist
jmyslivy@blm.gov or 208.789.6181
Wildland firefighting is difficult, physically arduous work, often largely undertaken out of the public eye. Every year, thousands of federal, state, local, Tribal, military and contract firefighters and support personnel respond to wildland fires across the United States. As a result of climate change and other factors, these wildfires are increasingly larger and more complex, placing additional demands on a dedicated workforce.
In honor of our nation’s wildland fire community who answers the call throughout the year, the National Interagency Fire Center is proud to celebrate the second annual “National Wildland Firefighter Day” on July 2. The national fire programs for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service and USDA Forest Service, along with partners including the National Association of State Foresters, U.S. Fire Administration, the National Weather Service, and the Department of Defense are all represented at NIFC.
“This is about recognizing the sacrifices of wildland firefighters, whether they’re federal, state, local, military, contract or volunteer,” said U.S. Forest Service Fire Director Jerry Perez. “Wildland firefighting is very challenging work, both mentally and physically, and often involves extended time away from home.”
“While we support and appreciate wildland fire personnel today and every day, National Wildland Firefighter Day is designed to publicly acknowledge the hard work and devotion of all wildland firefighters and support personnel who are the backbone of the wildland fire community” said Meagan Conry, Bureau of Land Management Deputy Assistant Director, Fire and Aviation Management.
On average, wildland firefighters respond to nearly 65,000 wildland fires every year across the U.S. Factors such as drought and increased growth of the wildland-urban interface have led to increasingly complex and challenging fire activity that starts earlier in the year and lasts later into the fall. Despite these conditions, wildland firefighters have remained dedicated and resilient. Every year, wildland firefighters save lives, property, communities, infrastructure, and precious natural and cultural resources.
“Firefighters are integral to state operations, including those we rely on to help us from our federal and local interagency partners, private fire service, Tribal nations, and contractors,” said George Geissler, Washington State Forester. “We are a community supporting each other.”
The Bureau of Land Management Idaho State Office and Boise National Forest, in cooperation with wildland fire management partners from NIFC will be celebrating National Wildland Firefighter Day on Sunday, July 2 at 7:05 p.m. Mountain Time with the Boise Hawks. The first 800 attendees will receive either a Smokey Bear baseball or a stadium cup. For tickets to the game, please visit: https://shorturl.at/jlnrI
For more information on National Wildland Firefighter Day, including a history of wildland firefighting and a toolkit including social media posts, images for printing, and video clips, visit: https://www.nifc.gov/nwffd